Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Virtual Geocaching

... is how I briefly explained Ingress.

Geo-caching is an interesting activity that I really don't find interesting. Additionally anything that involves me doing any writing is not something I want to do. (As my mangled wrists has not even begun to write like they use to - and they weren't well skilled then!) My speech therapist was asking me about the multitude of activities that I exercise my cognition with. Minecraft she knew of, but hasn't played, but Ingress she had never heard about. She felt Geo-caching was interesting and that led to explaining it that way.

Another aspect of Ingress is not just the Virtuality of the Geo-caching but the social aspect. For entertainment's sake there is a competition side, one team against another team. This competitive aspect makes the Virtual Caches insecure requiring attention to them.

The linking mechanism is another social aspect competitive addition. Link to another Virtual Cache can not cross other links so you could be blocked by a teammate or a competitor ... even totally unaware of the block. Successful links between three caches creates a field which adds to the team score. Personal scores are tracked mind you but helping the team - a nice social aspect. As an added bonus many Virtual Caches are not easily accessed by car, and should not be!!!, so like an old soldier that I am I get out and walk to them.

Using Virtual equipment, gaining Virtual Achievements, on an on.

See, computer gaming exercises your brain. And in safe non-physical environments thus if you oopsy no one gets hurt. Or only their feelings if anything. For a brain injured person, exercising the brain is a strong part of recovery. Stimulating exercise prevents stagnation of ideas.

Embrace the dynamic is what I say.

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