Sunday, October 13, 2013

Really Big Day But ...

I see more challenges in front of me.

Today's CorpWalk was educational for me, in a very enlightening way. I did the walk, yes, but not vigorously. An elderly gentlemen from my church did the walk as well and provided me with in depth tour of Dover as we walked. He is 83 yrs old and his family used to own large portions of the now much more urban Dover. Walking with him, I did it just in case he needed a young man's assistance, he showed me where such & such building used to be or, what that building there used to be or, what that parking lot was before the building that was there caught fire. Learning so much, SO MUCH, about this wonderful little town (I'm from Philadelphia after all.) was enlightening and entertaining. Turns out while my mission changed on me, from doing a 5k walk to keeping an eye on a worthwhile elder, his mission changed on him as well. He started with doing a 5k walk but ended up taking my not quite middle age behind and taught me the value of what was around me. Interesting how the Lord blesses you, unexpectedly, while you are going about what you thought was important.

The other part of my day was; being a FNG. And not so much just a f- new guy but fresh blood with a fresh mind, perspective, and inspirational feelings. How many people know where there local VFW is. I mean if the Post is still standing. How many people understand that there is so much more to a VFW than just a place were old guys get together to have drink or four. Most VFW's are inside beautiful old buildings, usually a building that had some historical significance to the local community it is inside. Most VFW members don't ask for anything, they don't NEED you to give them anything. However, considering the level of sacrifice that they have provided how many of you would say "Thank you for your service"?

A lot of you, I know, but do you realize how offensive most thanks sound? For 5 seconds out of a random moment in time you are grateful. Yet any other time you can't be bothered. Oh I know, you truly appreciate my sacrifice to you. Oh yeah you do, however any other time you are in a car behind me annoyed that I am keeping to the speed limit. That is generally why I, and many other veterans, value your gratitude with as highly as you really value our sacrifices upon your behalf.

That is the challenge in front of me. Getting Veterans to want to be more involved with the community they bled for, the community they were willing to die for, the community around them that doesn't always act with much gratitude for their service. However the truth is, no matter how bitter the relationship is between Veterans & Civilians it is being involved in your local community that is important. Dysfunction will fester and grow without worthwhile social interaction.

But I can type and type and I'm just wasting your, and my, time unless I shoulder the burden. Unbeknownst to me, my occupation has changed from being a Motor pool Sarge ant to a Pathfinder. Knowing where this path leads, knowing the empty cu-de-sac it is, and struggling to change our course to one that is more rewarding. For those that walk the Path and the people we meet along the way.

After all, is not the point of life? Enjoy it while you have it and, while you have it, share the goodness of it with as many spectators you can.

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